Tuesday 20 April 2010

Female boss using me as a sex slave


Three weeks ago, I started work for an employer (I will not state who, because I don't want to reveal my identify, although I will tell you this, it is for a council ssomewhere in the north or south of Great Britain) after being out of work for two years.

When I got the job, I felt proud, over the moon, and happy that I could at last earn my keep and bring money into the house. Well at least that what I told my friends and family. The truth is that for the last year I had been working as a gigolo - sex for hire male prostitute specialising in bored house wife's, busy female executives and wealthy widows. I charged £200 plus expenses and have been raking it in, to such an extend that I am quite wealthy. Not bad for a 19 year old who left school with few qualifications.

Still, I have Joyce Fox (not her real name - I never use real names) to thank for that. She not only hired me a few months ago for full sex, but has given me a well paid job with the council providing I become her full time sex slave and keep it quite.

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